About Sacred Sorcery

When I found out about Witchcraft and Paganism a huge passion was ignited in me. It quickly became my biggest goal in life to help people on the same path as me, no matter if it is through sharing my knowledge, giving Tarot or Rune readings or offering a space for safe and worry-free shopping for tools. 

It was a big dream of mine to own a witchy shop which I fulfilled in December 2021. Since then I've had the pleasure of fulfilling more than 600 orders of lots of happy returning customers and it has made me so happy! Hearing that the tools I sell and sometimes make myself are working well for you and that you're happy with the quality and the overall feeling of my products is the must fulfilling thing!

Sustainability and ethical trading are very important to me, not only in my private life but especially for my business. That's why I decided to commit to offering only sustainably and ethically sourced products. Thus lots of my products are handmade by me. This way I can ensure that the materials used are the most sustainable options. Learn more about the topic here.

For nearly a year I ran my shop only on Etsy. It was the easiest option at the start but it quickly turned out to restrictive and expensive. I wanted my shop to be more than just a collection of products lumped onto one website. I wanted it to be an experience. So here I am, setting up this standalone shop. 

I hope you'll like it! <3
